Sunday, March 23, 2014


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of bacteria, and illness for their cause.

People with this phobia tend to think that bacteria are housed anywhere: food, clothes, bed, drinking water, etc. Any situation where a person considers possible dirt or contamination triggers anxiety and extreme nervousness, shortness of breath or sweat. They may even have thought that bacteria devour the living. They also fear the diseases associated with bacteria.
Usually the occurrence of this phobia may be due to bad experiences. During outbreak situations, it is common for people to develop some degree of Bacteriophobia.
This is a very common condition, and is recognized in individuals who develop obsession with cleanliness, especially kitchen utensils, or those who repeatedly wash their clothes before wearing. This phobia is often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder and repetitive hand washing.

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