Sunday, March 23, 2014


The nosocomephobia is known as a deep and irrational fear of hospitals, when normally a person may have a fear when going to the hospital, either because you are visiting a sick relative or they will be involved, the nosocomefobos may be suffering a real panic attack, a string of disturbing fears experienced to the hospital or to the idea of ​​a hospital.


The ailurophobia is known as one of the types of specific phobias and is about the irrational fear of cats.

Some people may have a constant pain and fear at the thought of a cat, that is, your mind begins to conjure thoughts of cats and begin to suffer directly by thought. Other situations that can cause the reaction is simply listening purring cat, or eye contact, either by images on television, photographs, or in the form of toys on the Internet.


Arachnophobia is the fear or phobia of spiders. It is of phobias that people suffer more, and certainly the most widespread phobia animals worldwide.

Reactions have arachnophobes normally seem irrational to others, and even the individual. They try to stay away from any place where they think they can have spiders, or where they have seen spider webs. If you see a spider by far will be very dificiañ or impossible to enter the area, even great, or at least have to do before an effort to control your fear or panic, which is characterized by heavy sweating, rapid breathing, tachycardia and vomit.


Tripofobia (sometimes called the Repeat pattern phobia) is the fear or repulsion caused by geometric figures close together, especially small holes and very small rectangles.

The person who has this disease automatically feel an overwhelming sense of disgust and dread, which can include nausea and fainting rare times. The effect increases when the forms are in the biological environment, which may or may not be human.
It is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but thousands of people claim to be afraid of objects with holes small agglomerates such as combs, ant, mushroom heads and lotus seeds.


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of dolls.

This phobia is very common in young children, but in some cases persists into adulthood. In the case of small, often get scared when they see their favorite TV characters in actual size, ie, a person dressed as Mickey Mouse, Barney the dinosaur or Teletubby. This phobia may be related to the coulrofobia (fear of clowns). The reaction of the young is very clear, they begin to mourn before the (larger than their parents) jerking that enormous creature. Not to worry, as these fears reflect a slight emotional immaturity. It is important not to force the child to cope with these fears, but just let time pass and they disappear.


The nomofobia is the irrational fear of being without mobile phone. The term comes from the anglicized "nomophobia" ("no-mobile-phone-phobia"). The dependence on electronic devices generates a false sense of isolation in the user when it can not dispose of it, or because it has been forgotten at home, either because of a dead battery or out of coverage.

Despite having the ordinary media, the person with nomophobia goes mad at the impossibility of contact anyone at any time wherever he is.


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of technology. 
Is not necessarily an irrational fear, technophobia is also mainly refers to the rejection of new technologies, usually justified, and it does not need cured as happens with phobias in general.
Currently there are technophobic societies, such as the Amish in the U.S., who try to live with older technologies and rejecting changes.
Generally, technophobic reject modern technologies, and often justify their ways of thinking and saying that the dependence of modern technology can be harmful to people, both emotionally as well as physically.


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of clowns 

It is very common in children, but in some cases it persists in adolescents and adults. Those who suffer from this phobia recognize that what scares them most is the excessive makeup, nose, bright red hair and strange, which hides his true identity. Often this fear is acquired after having a bad experience with clowns during childhood, or seeing the portrait of a sinister clown (eg, It by Stephen King, Batman or Joker). Not all sufferers experience the same degree of coulrophobia: some feel genuine panic, in others it is more of a suspicion.


It is related to fear of shrubs, trees and forests. People who have this fear, can not walk in the forest and the simple thought of those places, generates anxiety in them, let alone a picnic. Surely, this phobia inspired M. Night Shyamalan for his film The Happening.


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of frogs. 

This phobia is very common in children but some adults also suffer. They tend to think that toads can grow and get to devour. When the affected person sees a toad, they experience butterflies in their stomach and anxiety. To recover, it is necessary that the phobic will restore confidence and gradually come to understand that their fears are unfounded.


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of bacteria, and illness for their cause.

People with this phobia tend to think that bacteria are housed anywhere: food, clothes, bed, drinking water, etc. Any situation where a person considers possible dirt or contamination triggers anxiety and extreme nervousness, shortness of breath or sweat. They may even have thought that bacteria devour the living. They also fear the diseases associated with bacteria.
Usually the occurrence of this phobia may be due to bad experiences. During outbreak situations, it is common for people to develop some degree of Bacteriophobia.
This is a very common condition, and is recognized in individuals who develop obsession with cleanliness, especially kitchen utensils, or those who repeatedly wash their clothes before wearing. This phobia is often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder and repetitive hand washing.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anatidaefobia is the fear that, at any given time, one or more ducks are looking you. 

The term was invented by cartoonist Gary Larson, creator of the comic strip The Far Side. It is unlikely to be a real phobia, given the extravagant nature of Larson's work, but it is still funny.